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Haptonomy: A unique bond between dad and baby

Creating an Invaluable Intra-Uterine Bond: Haptonomy and the Daddy-Baby Bond

In the wonderful world of parenthood, the arrival of a child is a magical experience, often described as an extraordinary journey where every moment counts. At the heart of this adventure lies haptonomy, a practice that offers parents a unique opportunity to forge a deep bond with their baby, even before birth. More than just a birth preparation method, haptonomy opens the door to a world of emotional interactions between parents and their unborn child, creating an invaluable connection between them.

What is haptonomy?

Haptonomy, derived from the Greek word "haptos" meaning "touch", is an approach that emphasizes physical and emotional contact between individuals. Popularized in the early 20th century by therapist Frans Veldman, this method is now widely used during and after pregnancy to foster the bond between parents and their baby. In concrete terms, haptonomy involves sessions in which parents are guided to communicate with their baby through touch, caresses and massages on the mother's womb. By inviting the father to actively participate in these interactions, haptonomy offers a unique opportunity to create an emotional bond from the earliest moments of intrauterine life.

The benefits of haptonomy for the bond between father and baby

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Haptonomy offers a multitude of benefits for the bond between father and unborn baby. By enabling the father to feel the baby's movements and to transmit caresses and messages of love, this practice fosters a deep emotional connection between the two. What's more, by actively involving the father in the pregnancy, haptonomy reinforces his sense of fatherhood and prepares him for his role as a parent from the very first moments of his child's life.

How to practice haptonomy?

The practice of haptonomy can begin in the early stages of pregnancy and continue through to birth and beyond. Parents can take part in haptonomy sessions guided by a qualified professional, where they learn tactile communication techniques with their baby. Outside the sessions, parents are encouraged to practice haptonomy at home, taking time to connect with their baby through touch and caress.

Haptonomy and Hapiklan: An Alliance for Family Well-Being

papa bébé haptonomie bruxelles enceinte parent belgique naissance

As part of modern parenting, initiatives such as Hapiklan offer parents valuable resources and support for their parenting journey. By integrating haptonomy into its holistic approach to family health and well-being, Hapiklan recognizes the importance of nurturing the bond between father and baby from the earliest moments of a child's life.

For those who wish to deepen their understanding of haptonomy, the services of Laurence, one of our haptonome and doula at Hapiklan, can be a valuable resource. Laurence shares wonderful testimonials about the unique bond that haptonomy enables, and offers personalized sessions for parents seeking a deep connection with their baby. If you'd like to find out more, you can discover her interview and see how her services can transform your parenting experience.

Haptonomy is much more than a simple method of childbirth preparation. It's an invitation to explore and nurture the unique relationship between parent(s) and their unborn child, providing the whole family with a solid foundation for building an affective and harmonious relationship from the very beginning of the child's life..

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