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Mama Blessing, the ritual to celebrate a woman's transition to maternity.

Mama Blessing the ritual to celebrate the passage of a woman towards
Maternity Hapikan Brussels

Mama Blessing, the ritual to celebrate a woman's transition to motherhood

Mama Blessing, an ancestral ritual imbued with spirituality and kindness, celebrates the a woman's unique journey towards motherhood. Also known as Blessingway or Mother Blessing, this ritual draws its origins from the traditions of indigenous peoples, notably Navajo Native Americans.

The Deep Meaning of Mama Blessing

Much more than just a baby shower, Mama Blessing embodies a moment of connection deep between the mother-to-be and the women who are dear to her. It is a celebration of femininity, inner strength and creative power. Through this ritual, we want offer each woman the support necessary to fully live every moment of her life. pregnancy and feeling supported in this transition to motherhood.

A Personalized Celebration for Every Woman

At Hapiklan, we understand that every woman is unique, just like her journey towards motherhood. This is why we offer support personalized, by connecting women with perinatal professionals who offer Mama Blessings tailored to their needs and preferences. Of the varied activities, such as meditation, yoga, artistic creation and rituals symbolic, can be integrated into the ceremony to offer a tailor-made experience to every woman.

Holistic Support for Parents

In addition to Mama Blessings, Hapiklan offers a full range of services for supporting parents throughout their parenthood journey. Professionals qualified professionals, such as doulas, haptonomists and sophrologists, are available for provide physical, emotional and mental support during pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period. We believe in a holistic approach to parenting, which takes into account takes into account all aspects of family life.

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