Devi, Training Young Parents in Lifesaving Actions
Who is Dévi and What Are Its Services?
Dévi, a nurse specializing in resuscitation in intensive care and emergencies since 2007, decided to change the situation from the start of the rescue chain, by better arming parents and those around them with life-saving actions. A wife and mother of two children, she knows well the fears parents face. Thus, she created “Des Vies à Sauver”, a training organization in life-saving actions dedicated to future and young parents.
From Daily Emergencies to Parent Training
Its training workshops are entirely focused on what parents experience on a daily basis, thus meeting their needs. During its interactive training, parents will have the opportunity to take the appropriate actions in complete safety in order to integrate them and reproduce them if necessary. The goal is to arm them as well as possible in the event of an accident, so that they are no longer helpless or spectators, but actors in the chain of survival.
Helping Parents React to Emergencies
It organizes its training workshops throughout Brussels and Wallonia. She comes to meet families where they live, but also offers workshops in perinatal centers, or even in their workplace. These workshops and training can be done from the moment parents want to conceive, either during pregnancy or during the first months of the child's life and even beyond. The workshops cover different topics: prevention of dangers at home, what to do in case of choking, my baby has a temperature: what to do, my child has fallen – is bleeding or burned? How do I resuscitate a baby or my toddler? So many diverse and varied materials that help you take the right actions.
The Devi Teaching Method: Practical and Lively Workshops
Parents can come alone, or accompanied by a trusted person, and also with their newborn. The sessions generally last from 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes and are intended to be practical. Parents can ask all their questions, come and share their concerns and experiences, and they will emerge from the workshops more confident in their abilities to take the right actions.
Devi’s Advice: Train in Emergency Forecasting
Don’t wait for a dramatic event to think about training. Choosing to train in first aid means focusing on safety and confidence in order to experience parenthood more peacefully. Trust yourself, don’t hesitate to train yourself, because misfortunes don’t just happen to others. And tell yourself that thanks to a simple gesture done in a few seconds, you can save a life, that of your child!
Testimonials: The Positive Impact of its Services
Parents often tell them at the start of training: “I’m afraid of panicking, of being helpless.” Thanks to this training, she helps them find serenity and develop their parental potential. At the end of the training, they said to him with a relieved air: "Thank you... I already feel more serene, even if I hope I never have to take these actions." But at least they saw that they had the capacity to act adequately, calmly and thoughtfully thanks to the workshop scenarios.
Debunking Misconceptions and Misunderstandings
As a nurse in a hospital, Dévi sees too many things being medicalized, with which we can feel less and less in harmony because we forget that humans have immense potential. Finding harmony can be done through other alternative medicines. Personally, if she had known that such a range of services existed during her pregnancy, she would have opted for a perinatal center. Alternative perinatal care helps so much to see things from different angles... sometimes it makes her want to start her pregnancies all over again.
Article written by Hapiklan
Devi’s services