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Margui Poppins, Fairy of Being: A Journey to the Heart of Authentic Parenthood

Explore Margot's Magical Universe

A Cocoon for the Soul and the Body

Margot, aka Margui Poppins, embodies the Fairy of Being. Mother of three children, her job transcends conventions, manifesting itself as an invitation to a cozy space for young and old. In this inner sanctuary, it offers a time to welcome emotions, lay aside the burdens of the soul, and leave lighter. It is a meeting with inner magic, a reconnection to the vibrant heart of oneself.

The Magic of a Unique Approach

Fairy of Being Listening to the Heart. Margui Poppins stands out as the “Fairy of Being”, listening to the heart, soul and body alike. Her expertise extends from young to old, honoring the inner child who demands her attention. With 38 years of personal experience and as a mother of three children, she offers a gentle light to illuminate awareness, reharmonize vibrational fields, and reconnect everyone to their inner magic

Varied Tools to Support the Journey

From Energy Care to Baby Sign Workshops. Margui Poppins offers a range of tools in her magic bag. Energy treatment opens a space for speech to the soul and body, offering a release of emotions. The “Papotes” represent an Agapic communication, based on unconditional love, where everyone can share their thoughts without judgment. The massage, a 1h30 break, allows you to release tension and reconnect with yourself. The “Bébé Signe” workshops use a fun method to facilitate communication with toddlers.

Stories that Show Positive Impact

Examples of Magical Illumination. Testimonies abound in the world of Margui Poppins. A mother who has been trying for a baby for a year regains pregnancy after an energy treatment. A “Papote” with a baby in utero triggers its birth the following night. A late pregnancy massage leads to labor. These real-life accounts testify to the positive influence of his services, restoring harmony and soothing souls.

Heartfelt Advice for Questing Parents

Towards Authentic Parenthood. Margui Poppins offers valuable advice for parents seeking support. It encourages embracing authentic space, where raw emotions can be expressed, whether in joy or difficulty. Parenting, she says, isn't always rosy, and it's essential to recognize the ups and downs. She advises trusting your own discernment, taking the necessary time, and walking the path of parenthood step by step, with all the love available.

Demystify to Enlighten

Clarifying the Myths of Conscious Parenting. Margui Poppins wants to deconstruct misconceptions around conscious parenting. She emphasizes that parenthood is not a uniformly rosy experience, but a journey that requires transformation and adaptation. She encourages parents to prepare, inform themselves, but above all to follow their own intuition, because they are in the best position to know what is good for their child and their family. With it, each parent is invited to move forward with confidence, one day at a time, on their own path of authentic parenthood.

Article written by Hapiklan

Margot's services